Why Does My Dishwasher Smell Like Rotten Eggs? Unveiling the Culprit

Why Does My Dishwasher Smell Like Rotten Eggs?

Having a dishwasher at home is a convenient way to keep your dishes clean and save time. However, if you notice a foul smell coming from your dishwasher, particularly a smell resembling rotten eggs, it can be quite unpleasant and concerning. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this unpleasant odor and provide you with troubleshooting examples and solutions to help you resolve the issue.

Understanding the Cause

Why does my dishwasher smell like rotten eggs? The most common cause of this unpleasant odor is the presence of hydrogen sulfide gas. This gas is produced when bacteria break down organic matter, such as food particles, that may be trapped in your dishwasher. When hydrogen sulfide gas is released, it emits a distinct rotten egg smell.

There are several factors that can contribute to the buildup of bacteria and the production of hydrogen sulfide gas in your dishwasher:

  • Food particles: If food particles are not properly rinsed off your dishes before loading them into the dishwasher, they can accumulate and provide a breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Standing water: If water remains stagnant in your dishwasher for an extended period, it can create a moist environment that promotes bacterial growth.
  • Filter and drain: A clogged or dirty filter and drain can trap food particles and prevent proper drainage, leading to the buildup of bacteria.
  • Hot water temperature: If your dishwasher’s hot water temperature is not high enough, it may not effectively kill bacteria, allowing them to thrive and produce the foul odor.

Troubleshooting Examples and Solutions

If you are experiencing a foul smell coming from your dishwasher, here are some troubleshooting examples and solutions to help you eliminate the odor:

1. Clean the dishwasher

Start by thoroughly cleaning your dishwasher to remove any trapped food particles and bacteria. Follow these steps:

  1. Remove the racks and utensil holders from your dishwasher.
  2. Inspect and clean the filter and drain. Remove any debris or food particles that may be trapped.
  3. Wipe down the interior of the dishwasher with a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap.
  4. Run an empty cycle with a dishwasher cleaner or a cup of white vinegar to further eliminate any remaining odor-causing bacteria.

2. Check the hot water temperature

Ensure that your dishwasher’s hot water temperature is set to at least 120°F (49°C). This temperature is necessary to effectively kill bacteria and prevent their growth. If your dishwasher’s hot water temperature is lower, consult the user manual or contact the manufacturer for instructions on adjusting the temperature.

3. Rinse dishes before loading

Always rinse off food particles from your dishes before loading them into the dishwasher. This simple step can significantly reduce the amount of organic matter that can accumulate and lead to bacterial growth.

4. Run regular maintenance cycles

Running regular maintenance cycles can help prevent the buildup of bacteria and keep your dishwasher clean and odor-free. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for running maintenance cycles, which often involve using dishwasher cleaners or white vinegar.

Replacement Parts for Dishwashers

If you have followed the troubleshooting steps and are still experiencing a foul smell in your dishwasher, it may be necessary to replace certain parts. Common replacement parts for dishwashers include:

  • Filter
  • Drain pump
  • Spray arm
  • Water inlet valve
  • Heating element

If you are unsure about how to replace these parts, it is recommended to call the authorized service for assistance. They have the expertise to diagnose the issue and provide the appropriate replacement parts.

Service Centers in the United Kingdom

For those living in the United Kingdom, dishwashers are commonly used appliances that bring convenience to households. Fortunately, there are service centers located in many provinces of the United Kingdom to provide assistance with dishwasher repairs and maintenance.

If you require service for your dishwasher, it is advisable to call the authorized service center specified on the company’s official website. They can guide you to the nearest service center and ensure that your dishwasher is repaired by trained professionals.


In conclusion, a dishwasher smelling like rotten eggs is often caused by the presence of hydrogen sulfide gas, which is produced when bacteria break down organic matter. To eliminate the odor, it is important to clean the dishwasher thoroughly, check the hot water temperature, rinse dishes before loading, and run regular maintenance cycles. If the issue persists, it may be necessary to replace certain parts, and calling the authorized service is recommended for assistance. People living in the United Kingdom can find service centers in various provinces by contacting the authorized service center specified on the company’s official website. By following these steps and seeking professional help when needed, you can ensure that your dishwasher remains odor-free and functions optimally.

Note: The information written here is collected from the Internet. There is a possibility that it may contain incorrect information, so for the most accurate and up-to-date information, the official website of the company should be visited. Any responsibility arising from wrong information or application does not belong to the site owner.

8 thoughts on “Why Does My Dishwasher Smell Like Rotten Eggs? Unveiling the Culprit”

  1. Adriana Murray

    I cant believe I have to deal with a smelly dishwasher on top of everything else! Ugh!

    1. davidcontactor@gmail.com

      Well, maybe if you actually cleaned your dishwasher once in a while, it wouldnt smell. Its called basic hygiene, genius. Stop complaining and start taking responsibility for your own laziness.

  2. Paloma Gray

    I never thought Id say this, but Im kind of intrigued by dishwasher smells now. #WeirdInterests

    1. davidcontactor@gmail.com

      Seriously? Dishwasher smells? Thats a new one. I guess everyone has their quirks, right? But hey, to each their own. Just make sure youre not spending too much time sniffing dishwashers, buddy. There are much better things to be intrigued by. #JustSaying

  3. Noor Deleon

    I never knew dishwasher smell could be so mysterious! Who knew it could be rotten eggs?!

    1. davidcontactor@gmail.com

      Well, maybe you should try cleaning your dishwasher once in a while. Its not rocket science, you know. And if youre surprised by the smell of rotten eggs, I cant help but question your hygiene standards.

  4. Who knew dishwashers could be so sneaky? Rotten egg smell? Time to investigate, Sherlock!

    1. davidcontactor@gmail.com

      Dishwashers can be quite deceptive. The rotten egg smell could indicate a gas leak, not a case for Sherlock Holmes. So, better call a professional instead of playing detective and potentially putting yourself at risk. Safety first, my friend.

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