Eliminate Burnt Smell: Quick Tips for Freshening Your Microwave and Home

How To Get Rid Of Burnt Smell In Microwave

Having a burnt smell in your microwave can be quite unpleasant. Whether it’s from burnt food or a burnt popcorn bag, the lingering odor can be difficult to eliminate. In this article, we will explore effective methods to get rid of the burnt smell in your microwave and provide valuable insights to help you tackle this issue.

Understanding the Cause of Burnt Smell in Microwave

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s important to understand why your microwave may emit a burnt smell. The most common causes include:

  • Overheating food: When food is left in the microwave for too long or cooked at high power, it can burn and create a strong odor.
  • Burnt popcorn: Popcorn is notorious for burning quickly in the microwave, leaving behind a strong and unpleasant smell.
  • Accidental spills: If any food or liquid spills inside the microwave and is not cleaned promptly, it can burn and create a lingering smell.

How to Get Rid of Burnt Smell in Microwave

Now that we understand the causes, let’s explore some effective methods to eliminate the burnt smell in your microwave:

1. Vinegar and Water Solution

Mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a microwave-safe bowl. Place the bowl in the microwave and heat it on high power for 5 minutes. The steam created by the solution will help loosen the burnt-on residue and eliminate the odor. After heating, carefully remove the bowl and wipe the interior of the microwave with a damp cloth.

2. Baking Soda Paste

Create a paste by mixing baking soda with a small amount of water. Apply the paste to the interior walls of the microwave, focusing on the areas with burnt residue. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes, then wipe it off with a damp cloth. Baking soda is known for its odor-absorbing properties, making it an effective solution for eliminating burnt smells.

3. Lemon and Water Solution

Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a microwave-safe bowl filled with water. Place the bowl in the microwave and heat it on high power for 3-5 minutes. The citrusy steam will help neutralize the burnt smell and leave a fresh scent behind. After heating, carefully remove the bowl and wipe the interior of the microwave with a damp cloth.

4. Charcoal Briquettes

Charcoal briquettes are excellent odor absorbers. Place a few briquettes in a microwave-safe bowl and leave them inside the microwave overnight. The charcoal will absorb the burnt smell, leaving your microwave odor-free. Remember to remove the briquettes before using the microwave again.

How to Get Rid of Burnt Microwave Smell in House

If the burnt smell from your microwave has spread throughout your house, here are some additional steps you can take to eliminate the odor:

1. Ventilation

Open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate and remove the burnt smell from your house. Use fans or air purifiers to help with the ventilation process.

2. Deep Cleaning

Clean all surfaces in your kitchen, including countertops, cabinets, and floors, to remove any lingering odor. Use a mixture of vinegar and water or a mild cleaning solution to thoroughly clean the affected areas.

3. Odor Absorbers

Place bowls of baking soda or activated charcoal in different areas of your house to absorb the burnt smell. These natural odor absorbers can help neutralize the odor and freshen up your home.

How to Get Rid of Burnt Popcorn Smell in Microwave

Burnt popcorn can leave a particularly strong and persistent smell in your microwave. Here’s how you can tackle this specific issue:

1. Vinegar and Lemon Solution

Mix equal parts of vinegar and lemon juice in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat the solution in the microwave for 2-3 minutes on high power. The combination of vinegar and lemon will help neutralize the burnt popcorn smell. After heating, wipe the interior of the microwave with a damp cloth.

2. Coffee Grounds

Place a bowl of coffee grounds in the microwave and leave it overnight. Coffee grounds are known for their ability to absorb strong odors, including burnt popcorn smell. Remove the bowl in the morning and wipe the interior of the microwave with a damp cloth.

Replacement Parts for Microwave

If you are experiencing persistent issues with your microwave, such as a burnt smell that cannot be eliminated or any other malfunction, it may be necessary to replace certain parts. Common replacement parts for microwaves include:

  • Microwave turntable: If your turntable is not rotating properly or has been damaged, it may need to be replaced.
  • Microwave filter: Filters help remove odors and grease from the air circulated inside the microwave. If your microwave has a filter, it is important to clean or replace it regularly.
  • Microwave light bulb: If the light inside your microwave is not working, you may need to replace the light bulb.

If you are unsure about replacing any parts in your microwave, it is recommended to call the authorized service for assistance. In the United Kingdom, there are service centers located in many provinces. To find the nearest service center, visit the official website of the company and contact the call center specified.


Getting rid of a burnt smell in your microwave can be achieved through various methods such as using vinegar and water solutions, baking soda paste, lemon and water solutions, or charcoal briquettes. If the burnt smell has spread to your house, proper ventilation, deep cleaning, and odor absorbers can help eliminate the odor. For burnt popcorn smell, vinegar and lemon solutions or coffee grounds can be effective. In case of persistent issues, it may be necessary to replace certain parts of your microwave, such as the turntable, filter, or light bulb. Remember to contact the authorized service for assistance if needed. By following these tips, you can enjoy a fresh and odor-free microwave experience.

Note: The information written here is collected from the Internet. There is a possibility that it may contain incorrect information, so for the most accurate and up-to-date information, the official website of the company should be visited. Any responsibility arising from wrong information or application does not belong to the site owner.

6 thoughts on “Eliminate Burnt Smell: Quick Tips for Freshening Your Microwave and Home”

  1. Felipe Diaz

    Who needs air fresheners when you can just burn popcorn in the microwave? #microwavelife

    1. Are you serious? Burning popcorn in the microwave is a terrible idea! Not only does it stink up the whole place, but it can also damage the microwave. Please, consider getting a proper air freshener instead of subjecting everyone to the smell of burnt popcorn. #commonsense

    1. Adriana Rush

      Seriously? Microwaves have always been stinky if you dont clean them regularly. These lifesaver tips are common sense. Maybe try taking better care of your appliances? Just saying.

  2. Who needs air fresheners when you can just burn popcorn in your microwave? #microwavesmellsbetter

    1. Seriously? Burning popcorn in the microwave is your brilliant solution for freshening up the air? Id rather not deal with the stench of burnt kernels lingering for days. Maybe invest in a proper air freshener instead of torturing your tastebuds and nostrils. #commonsense

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